Masks And CRT Are Just The Start: It’s Time To Break The Public Schools (And Here’s How)

Masks And CRT Are Just The Start: It’s Time To Break The Public Schools (And Here’s How) By  for The Federalist

Defund the schools for real. Take the amount of money that every public school is spending, per pupil, and put it under the direct control of parents.

It’s looking to be a miserable fall for school children, at least in the nation’s blue states.

Sure, they’ll finally be back for in-person classes, but thanks to the heroic stupidity of our Centers for Disease Control and local health departments, millions of kids will be forced to wear masks — all day and every day — to protect themselves from coronavirus. That’s a disease we all know children are at virtually zero risk from. We’ve known this from nearly the very beginning of this, and that’s still the case, as a study from John Hopkins proved just last month.

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What does this mean for kids? You were a child once. Try to remember how long every day felt; how even a few minutes of unpleasantness felt like an eternity. Even as an adult, wearing a mask literally all day is deeply unpleasant. For millions of kids, it’s torture. And now it’s entering its second year for no reason except that our leaders are too weak to let life return to normal — and they’re too cowardly to admit that COVID-19 won’t vanish with the perfect combo of health policy.

As one satirical headline in The Babylon Bee put it last week, “To Defeat Delta Variant, Experts Recommend Doing All The Things That Didn’t Work The First Time.”

Of course, even without masks, there’s another big danger in schools that we’ve heard all about by now: critical race theory. Technically, that’s a theory that our laws need to be re-examined because, since we’re all equal, any difference of outcome between black communities, white communities, Asian communities, and Hispanic communities means racism, regardless of any other context.

Once that examination is completed, we must design the laws to work for black people (and some hastily added allies) at the expense of everyone else. It’s the kind of thing that leads to fake scholars like Ibram X. Kendi (born Ibram Henry Rogers) suggesting a new amendment to the Constitution that makes it so any difference in racial success rates over a certain threshold is unconstitutional. The amendment would also make “racist ideas” by “public officials” illegal; as ambiguously dangerous a standard as there ever was.

Critical race theory started at the academy decades ago, spread a little under President Barack Obama, and accelerated dramatically under President Donald Trump. A few states have banned it from being taught in public schools, although most have not. Some, like Washington state, have made teaching it the law. Both major teachers unions touted it on their websites, and both wrote in favor of it being taught in public school classrooms. The American Federation of Teachers even promised in The Washington Post to legally defend teachers who want to teach CRT in states that have made it illegal. But then something funny happened.

The same American Federation of Teachers reversed course and said they’re not actually teaching critical race theory. The National Educators Association erased its defense from their website. Experts started to show up on CNN and MSNBC to say the same thing. There’s no critical race theory in our schools! Fact-checks started appearing saying that Washington state’s laws mandating CRT in public schools aren’t really mandating CRT in public schools. Rep. Jim Clyburn did an interview last week in which he said the same.

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