The GOP Should Revolt Against Lame Duck Pelosi’s Dictatorship by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
The ridiculous mask kabuki that Lame Duck Dictator Nancy Pelosi is attempting to impose upon the Party of Freedom is the perfect opportunity for the GOP to demonstrate that it is not a flock of hapless, wriggling invertebrates. A little spine shown right about now would go a long way, not only to winning back Congress in 2022 by an even bigger margin than currently anticipated but to fixing the institution that power-mad harridan has grievously damaged. It might mean accepting that Republicans will be booted from the House for a bit, but who cares? We have zero input anyway. Make a stand.
Here you go, GOP. Here’s your game plan. Get together. Throw your grody face-thongs into the trash. Walk into the People’s House. Refuse to obey her erratic and bizarre commands to submit.
The ball is in your court, Lame-O Duck-O.
Maybe she’ll “fine” you. Great. Have lawyers on standby to go to court for an injunction against her unilateral attempt to alter your pay as legislators. Courts exist to solve disputes, and you have a good case. Can she also dock your pay for…not voting as she sees fit? Why or why not, Democrat ambulance chasers? Let’s have that fight.
Maybe she will expel the Republicans. Great. In her regime, the GOP can’t do anything anyway. It cannot even pick its own committee members. So what, exactly, do we lose if she bars the door and expels our reps? Hell, they should go back to their districts and start campaigning now. Let the Dems stay back in the fetid swamp that is DC and live out their collective Jeffrey Toobin Zoom call.
Yeah, the fascists are gonna fascist. Will she turn her moist, bloated personal Praetorian Guard – from the size of these teary-eyed, glorified mall cops it ought to be “Eat-orian Guard” – on the Republican rebels? Fine. Let her. Carry our reps out in flexi-cuffs and toss them in the clink. Cool. They’ll be free in an hour and the b-roll will make for wonderful ads about Her Lameness’s assault on Muh Democracy.
Perhaps she will merely berate our reps about how they are literally murdering millions of people with their refusal to submit to serfdom. Music to our ears. Let her rant.
Let’s establish in the eyes of America, firmly and fully, the GOP as the Party of No Hysterics. That sure beats being identified as the Party of Perpetual Pandemic Panic and Public School Teachers’ Union Cuddling.