UNMERCIFUL GLOBALIST: Francis Declares War On His Own Church Video by The Remnant
Plus, civil war in the Catholic Church. In this episode of The Editor’s Desk, Michael J. Matt discusses how faithful Catholics all across the spectrum are either perplexed or downright outraged by the attempted suppression of the Catholic Mass on the part of Pope Francis.
The questions are:
Why is Francis alienating his own Church?
Why is Francis eliminating Pope Benedict’s ‘hermeneutic of continuity’?
Why is Francis confirming that traditionalists were right all along?
The answer to all these questions has everything to do with The Great Reset and the globalist attempt to take down Christianity. Think Francis won’t eventually come after the New Mass, too? Of course, he will! He’s already banned it privately in St. Peter’s, and there’s more to come, which is why Michael reaches out in this video to George Weigel.
Plus, what is with the Left’s obsession with John Lennon’s Imagine? The children of the world performed it again last week at the Tokyo Olympics. Why? Michael argues that there’s a direct link from that to Globalism’s war on Christianity. Finally, Michael shares BIG NEWS on RTV’s major expansion.