Even before Biden announcement, door-knockers were pushing COVID vaccine in some places

Even before Biden announcement, door-knockers were pushing COVID vaccine in some places by Claire
for Life Site News

Months before the White House announced a door-knocking blitz to push coronavirus vaccines on Americans, many state and local governments and leftist non-profits already had pro-injection door-knocking operations in place — sometimes involving the U.S. military.

Before the White House announced the government would be “literally knocking on doors” to push coronavirus vaccines, health workers, military personnel, and volunteers in some states were already doing just that.

“We need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes, door to door — literally knocking on doors — to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” President Joe Biden said on July 6, 2021. That same day, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also said that a top priority for the administration is “targeted, community-by-community, door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

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Liberal media immediately jumped to defend the initiative, claiming conservatives had “mischaracterized the effort as the deployment of government agents to strong-arm reluctant Americans.” Rather, this is just a push to “enlist volunteers, including local doctors and pastors,” insisted ABC News, which was also forced to admit any White House messaging about the vaccine being a personal choice was subsequently “muddied … when Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra told CNN in an interview that ‘it is absolutely the government’s business’ to know who isn’t vaccinated because of the money spent on the effort.”

A lengthy News & Observer piece ­­from June 11, 2021, details a door-knocking effort in by the Johnston County Health Department in North Carolina. It begins:

The knock on Josie Hines’ door came just after 9 a.m. Tuesday.

On the front stoop of her Smithfield home, a trio of National Guard troops flanked a petite woman with a clipboard, her pink floral top stark against the camo uniforms at her back.

Hines was expecting them.

About two weeks ago, a similar crew arrived on her doorstep offering COVID-19 vaccines in Woodall Heights, a neighborhood of public housing and private residences off Interstate 95. Hines and Reginald Archibald, who she lives with, accepted. So did their neighbor across the street.

A video accompanying the story shows burly, masked National Guardsmen helping the local health department set up an outdoor tent. One of the uniformed National Guardsman can be seen canvassing the neighborhood with a cheery-sounding woman, and standing by as the woman offers a resident the vaccine.

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