Beauty Is…

Beauty Is…

Beauty is the harvest of presence. The evanescent moment of seeing or hearing on the outside what already lives far inside of us. The eyes, the ears or the imagination suddenly become a bridge between the here and the there; between the then and the now; between the inside and the outside. Beauty is the conversation between what we think is happening outside in the world and what is just about to occur far inside of us.

Beauty is both an achieved state of both deep attention and self forgetting. The self forgetting of seeing, hearing, smelling or touching that erases our separation, our distance our fear of the other. Beauty invites us through entrancement, to that fearful frontier between what we think makes us and what we think makes the world. Beauty is almost always found in the symmetries and the intriguing asymmetries. The symmetries and the asymmetries seen out in creation. The wings of a moth, the airy sky, the solid earth, the restful focused eyes of a loving face. In which we see our own self reflected. The symmetry of also, therefore, of bringing together inner and outer recognitions. The far horizon of otherness seen in that face joined to the deep inner horizon of our own being. Beauty is an inner and outer complexion living in one face.

From the book, Consolations

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