Something Far Worse Than What You See…

Something Far Worse Than What You See…

First question – where are the parents? Why are the parents allowing this to happen? Who are these people that would stand by and watch this?

This is not “twerking” this is something altogether different.

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After that we need to settle down a little and seek, ask and knock upon the door of the Healer, Jesus Christ.

This is one of the reasons we hold MTG in such high regard.

Why do we ignore doctors and scientist that deliver opposing information to the “take the vaccine and shut up” narrative? Oh, that’s right, that’s why.

Below is the result of being presented with only one side of any argument. The potential for really bad things to happen is very high.

Why is there an entire list of “variant names” ready to go and ready to be launched into 2023? Note the very top – DELTA June 2021 – Can someone explain this to me? Thanks

Invasion happening on the Southern border. No one cares, including Catholic Charities, wether the invading force is diseased or not – no medial checks what-so-ever are being conducted as the occupants of the White House and the People’s House scream about you and I getting a vaccine, wearing mask, putting a mask on our children, blah, blah, blah.

What is this about?

Can someone send out a brigade of adults, called parents, and teach these children about reality, genders and how people are made? It’s obvious the parents of a vast amount of children are completely left alone to learn from whatever source they chose. The new primary parents seem to be Tik-Tok and Instagram.

The final blast of the week…

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