This Is How Bad It Actually Is For The Judicial Branch In The U.S.

This Is How Bad It Actually Is For The Judicial Branch In The U.S.

Never forget this and live by this…

Once a person wraps their head around the reality of what they are seeing and hearing if it doesn’t awaken you, you are willfully ignorant. The picture painted below could not be clearer. People at the highest levels of government, the people currently occupying the White House, should be arrested, immediately, investigated…then sentenced, if it is found to be treason, there is but one outcome for a person found guilty of treason. The overwhelming evidence would fill the Oval Office as the media and American people sit idly by – doing nothing.

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And now another episode FraudFauci exposing himself and the lies he tells…

For those that keep up with real money, gold and silver and understand how rigged the markets are here is another piece of evidence to prove the point the entire system is rotten from the inside.

Here is today’s exceptional news!! More and more young people are coming to the Lord. They are seeing the wickedness and becoming to understand there is but one way, the Way. There is but one truth, the Truth and there is only one Light, the Light of the world – Jesus Christ, Emmanuel.

The anger and frustration with the current regime occupying the White House, the People’s House, is morphing. It is no longer just the America First Movement, it is transforming into every American.

Well, now it is perfectly clear our children are the real target – remember a couple of weeks ago with the sexual deviant’s singing about coming for your children, grooming them to be future sexual deviant’s. Now the occupying force in the White House, the People’s House, is now making 100% clear they are going to get the jab in our children’s arm in any way they can – WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT – Got it?!.

If this is accurate we are in very, very serious trouble. I can’t tell what is happening to the people on the ground, but it is curious that authorities are running after people who appear to be minding their own business and doing nothing wrong. It’s hard to know with all the activity happening at a distance.

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