Pfizer Exposed….

Pfizer Exposed….

This surfaced just a few days ago and it says a lot about this vaccine. Remember, these vaccines are not FDA approved and void all insurance – health, life and otherwise.  This is an excerpt that was part of a shipping document from the mRNA vaccine produced by Pfizer.

Still think these vaccines are “safe and effective”?

[give_form id="52655"]

Here’s what you’re getting a vaccine to fight…

It’s just the latest “conspiracy theory” – nothing to see, move along. If that’s true, why are so many of the most evil people in the world talking about it? hmmm…

Can we get her some support and other voices, I don’t know, like a politician or two that gives two-cents about the people of this nation. I’m so sick of Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan always on TV yapping about something but not doing anything – NOTHING – to solve real problems. You know, like issuing a subpoena, pointing fingers and naming-names – they don’t do it. Cowards, everyone of them.

When I say there are extremely ungodly people walking among us, I mean it. Some of these people have crossed the line and will never come back. It’s not that we are not on their side, we are, they have to turn around and ask, seek and knock, we can not do that for them.

They are in the classroom and have your children’s attention for eight or more hours five days a week. They are teaching your children lessons that maybe you don’t want them to learn; maybe they are teaching them

This is the person the world sees, hears and acknowledges is the current occupant of the White House and we do nothing about it or even attempt to change it. “My butt’s been wiped” – is that what he says?

The good news of the day comes from the lone voice in the People’s House. The lone voice shouting truth about the reality of these out-of-control tyrants are attempting to do with their virus passports and absolute take over of our country.

This is fun little piece exercise. Read the whole thing. Had to pause a couple of times, but made it to the end!!

Seems reasonable.

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