Hands-On Healing

Hands-On Healing by Dr. Derek King for Survival Blog

In this four-part article, I will describe some gentle hands-on healing and mental/emotional trauma-release techniques that you can use on your loved ones.

When the SHTF, the most important issues, long-term, will be: How do you handle your stress?

As a practicing Holistic Chiropractor in private practice for the past 32 years, I have learned many techniques and methods; a few of which can be utilized by you. No, you cannot call yourself a chiropractor and no, you cannot be adjusting vertebrae without a license…so let’s not even go there. However, do you know what the original meaning of the word is? Chiro is the Greek word for “hands” and practor means “to make, or fix, or practice.” So it actually means “to fix with the hands”. Can you do that? Yes, you can…if you learn about the laying on of hands properly and master using the greatest three tools Almighty God ever created: the human brain and the human hands!

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In this article, I am going to share with you some amazing principles and touch techniques that a layman can have in his or her toolbox that may help a stressed-out loved one to survive the chaos and disorder that will happen when society as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) begins to break down and the “new normal” seems unbearable. Just a few helpful balancing methods along with better nutrition, clean water, a safe shelter, a loving family, and a support network can make all the difference in your little world and sphere of influence.

So please take this information to heart, study and practice it yourself, and then print it out on real paper (before the power goes out) because you will not hear it or find it anywhere else. These practices are only taught (mostly to doctors) at expensive seminars and training sessions that will be long gone by the time they are desperately needed by the hurting and diseased masses! You who read this blog and its excellent blog posts are way ahead of the curve when it comes to preparedness and planning ahead, so I trust you will take this info seriously and treat it with the respect it deserves.

I am truly going out on a limb here because I believe the time is short and that more caregivers, moms and compassionate people can learn these and use them in their homes, farms, and communities to aid the suffering that will undoubtedly occur sooner than we all think or hope. And a couple of them can even be used on your pets and animals.

Our brains, our hands, and our amazing nervous systems are just about the most incredible tools on this planet…so let’s learn how to take better care of them and then use them wisely. Most people take them for granted…as long as they don’t hurt and as long as no major dysfunction or disease hits… Wrong attitude! Be in awe of their magnificent design and creation, daily.


First suggestion: even in times of stress, Give Thanks. Seriously. Stop right now and say a small prayer of thanksgiving and appreciation for you well-functioning body. Even if it’s not young and perfect (it never will be again) say “Thank you God for my glorious health, my healthy vision and hearing. Thank you so much for my two functioning legs and arms. Bless my healthy pancreas,” (and then go research the two main functions of your pancreas and how you can support its enzyme production and not overtax its insulin load). “Thank you for my regenerating liver.” (It has 500 different functions and it can re-grow itself even when half of it is cut out).

Appreciate your 100+ balanced hormones and your salivary amylase and lacrimal tear production that takes place every second of your life, even if you don’t realize it or know what that is…  You’d be dead without them. Practice those type of affirmations often, and I mean very often…when you aren’t thinking about anything specific, recite those healing mantras to yourself quietly and, believe me, your subconscious will respond well. Focus on what you want and your loving body will respond by resonating with higher frequency vibrations and help create more healthy tissues…instead of griping and complaining about getting older and your current aches and pains. Cortisol OR dopamine…it’s up to you which powerful hormones your help create each second.

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