St. Louis orders all vaccinated residents to return to mandatory masking while indoors, effectively admitting that vaccines don’t work to stop the spread of covid

St. Louis orders all vaccinated residents to return to mandatory masking while indoors, effectively admitting that vaccines don’t work to stop the spread of covid by:  for Natural News

Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” have failed to stop the media from claiming a new “surge” in “cases,” prompting the City of St. Louis to reinstate its mask mandate.

Regardless of a person’s vaccination status, St. Louis is requiring that everyone wear a mask when venturing indoors. The city is also strongly urging people to wear a mask outside as well.

All people over the age of five are being told by the Democrat-run city that they need to mask up in order to avoid spreading the elusory “delta variant,” which the government says is scary enough to warrant a fresh round of tyranny.

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“We’ve lost more than 50 St. Louisans to Covid-19, and if our region doesn’t work together to protect one another, we could see spikes that overwhelm our hospital and public health systems,” announced Dr. Frederick Echols, acting director of health for the City of St. Louis.

As of this writing, St. Louis is reporting a mere 241 new confirmed cases of the Fauci Flu, bumping its seven-day average up to 212 cases. This is only a smidgen higher than the level reported back in mid-April when most of the country ended the mask mandates.

With a population of nearly 300,000 people, this means that St. Louis currently has a 0.08% “positivity” rate of new Chinese Virus cases, which is apparently more than enough to plunge the city back into mask fascism.

Masks don’t work and they’re dangerous

As we reported last year, the word “cases” in the context of the Fauci Flu has no meaning. The vast majority of people who test “positive” for Chinese Germs never show any symptoms, which means they are healthy rather than sick.

The entire concept of “asymptomatic transmission” is also fraudulent, having been debunked as a completely made-up scare tactic designed to justify the type of government tyranny that St. Louis is once again introducing in Missouri.

A person who is not sick, meaning they show no symptoms, cannot “infect” anyone else with anything. This is junk science to the max, even if it is being embraced and promoted by Democrats as the “cure” for the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) virus.

Los Angeles is similarly attempting to tyrannize Angelenos with another mask mandate, though L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has indicated that the police department will not be enforcing it this time around.

The latest science shows that the reason for this new “surge” in Chinese Virus cases is the high number of vaccinated people who are shedding freshly mutated variants, which are spawning out of the chemical concoctions that were injected into their bodies.

If the jabbed really are protected as was long claimed, then there should be no reason for any more surges in cases, let alone mask mandates to accompany them. And yet this is the direction in which the country is headed as more people get injected out of obedience to the government.

“These mask mandates are tyranny, are the work of a religious cult who believe – with all evidence to the contrary – that wearing a dirty piece of cloth across your face will save you from a virus,” writes John Nolte for Breitbart News.

“Truthfully, what they believe is that wearing a dirty piece of cloth over your face proves you’re compliant and a good person … Democrats have gone stark raving mad … This is as anti-science as it gets. This is flat-out superstition.”

Breitbart commenter added that mask recommendations were only supposed to last two weeks maximum last spring to “give the hospitals time to build up.” Now, somehow, they are becoming a permanent fixture in American life.

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