In Accessing the Spirit’s Fullness, Avoid These 2 Extremes

In Accessing the Spirit’s Fullness, Avoid These 2 Extremes by MICHAEL LOMBARDO for Charisma News

The Bible declares that when the world is steeped in darkness, the glory of the Lord will rise brilliantly on God’s people (Isa 60:1-3). In uncertain and trying times like these, we need the manifestation of the fullness of God’s Spirit as never before. As believers, God has grafted us into the Spirit’s fullness by no merit of our own. Jesus paid the price and filled us with His precious Spirit.

Now that we have received “the Spirit without measure” (John 3:34b) along with everything we need for “life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3b), how do we access this power? Since we are blessed with “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Eph. 1:3b), the church needs to know how to pull from this reservoir of power so we can truly be change agents to the world around us.

There are many varying viewpoints when it comes to manifesting the fullness of the Spirit in our lives. Many focus on the fullness being a grace-gift from God entirely with no effort on our part whatsoever, while others emphasize our participation and cooperation with God in this matter to the neglect of focusing on the grace-reality aspect. On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo shares how “receiving the fullness as a gift” and “cooperating with the Spirit” are both essential realities when walking out our God-ordained destiny with supernatural empowerment.

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It’s vital that we have a balanced and biblical view on fasting, prayer, speaking in tongues, evangelism and more when it comes to releasing God’s fullness through us to transform the world around us. If we’re not careful, we can slip into legalism, trying to earn the anointing and miraculous breakthrough power of God. But on the other hand, if we’re not careful, we can have such a strong revelation on the finished work of Christ that we fall into complacency, expecting God to do everything for us and through us without any work on our part.

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