21 9/11’s Since 9/11

21 9/11’s Since 9/11

1.8 million illegal border jumpers will invade our country in 2021. That is equal to 3 new Vermont’s. We are now 51 states in the lower “48”.

How many will these millions kill over the next two decades?

Public hanging of the entire Administration.

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When we shine the Light in the dark…first, the dark trembles, then it disappears. Don’t be afraid to shine the Light squarely into the dark – first it trembles, then disappears.

Here’s the CCP telling you how they work with the satanic globalist to enslave us all.

Is this one of the CCP’s favorite sons helping the Chinese to overtake America? Why else would FraudFauci send millions of American dollars to a lab to create a virus to kill people? Why else would he be in a position to tell people what to do and how to live – HE IS AN UN-ELECTED FOOL – HE SHOULD BE IGNORED AT ALL COST

Check the video below for language

Let’s finish with Truth and Light

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