Time To Fix The Roof…

Time To Fix The Roof…

We have linked to this publication – produced by the U.S. Navy – for years and years and years. Maybe you should listen to these filthy satanic globalist when they tell you how they are going to control your life – Click here to read >>> Weather As A Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather by 2025

People, for years, have denied chemtrails, HAARP and other weather modifiers being used to manipulate the weather – now, once again – corporate Mockingbird Media act like it is nothing new, it’s perfectly normal, nothing to see here “that’s the way we’ve always done it” moment. The fact that a nation state is using a “zapper drone” – that’s new – to seed clouds is kind of a big deal because it has to have been under development for, at least, the past five years and not a peep from those wonderful, loving people that are charged with keeping us informed, you know, corporate Mockingbird Media that are always telling you the news instead of reporting the news – yeah, those people.

Notice how casual the headline of the article reads… very ho-hum.

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Are you still falling for their lies and still calling the citizen journalist “crazy theorist”? Maybe it’s time to reassess that view point.

When do we begin using our critical thinking skills again? When do we begin to know as much about our community, politicians and local government and school board as we know about the football, basketball or baseball team or individual player? When does this shift take place? Here’s a possible time when the shift may occur – When the rifle is pointed in your face with some thug on the other end pushing you onto the train. That might be the wrong time. We fix the roof when the sun is shining not when the clouds are gathering.

Turn off the TV news, especially local, and begin doing your own research, we need you informed with facts not lies. Suit up, stand up and show up.

Remember, the devil always let us know his next move – we just have to pay attention and see the images, hear the words and ensure we are diligent in our prayers, keeping our Armor in tip-top condition and be ready at any moment for an attack after the signal has been given.

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