If He’s Not Owned, Please Explain This Response…

If He’s Not Owned, Please Explain This Response…

Only monsters use the words a monster would use. Normal people would never use a phrase that is outside of their thought processes. They have no knowledge of the situation, therefore, no thoughts about it. When I was a drunk, I thought everyone drank like I drank, that’s how one thinks. If a person goes around doing things that normal people don’t do, they say things that only they would have experience.

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Where does a person use this type of language, this wording? Who is he listening to, who is his number one advisor? I’m not asking about the people standing around him, the people writing his speeches or even the people speaking into his ear piece when he is in front of the public – Who is he listening to when it’s quiet, when he is in his family room, bedroom, bathroom, etc.? Who is speaking to him? If you have eyes to see and ears to hear you already know – it’s the devil, that’s his number one advisor. otherwise, if you have a better explanation send it to me info@gospelnewsnetwork.org – would love to hear it. If you decide to make an argument, it had better be well researched, well thought out and articulate, please don’t waste my time with how you feel about his response. If you think the devil doesn’t exist, you have already lost, because you bought the lie.

It is finished. If you don’t think so, stand up, ask God to dress you in the Full Armor of God as we march forward with the Sword of the Spirit, the Belt of Truth and all the remaining gear, we are already victorious. The battle is already won, we just need to show the enemy his time is up. Remind him he has no power over us that we report to a Higher Power, a Light so bright that every corner is illuminated and our God is leading the way.

If you don’t believe me, tell me who is this man getting his orders from, who is his number one advisor and where does he get this type of language, this wording? I’m not talking about his Commanding Officer, the person occupying the White House or even his wife – Who is he listening to when it’s quiet, when he is in his bed, when he is in the family room, bathroom, etc.? Who is speaking to him? If you have eyes to see and ears to hear you already know – it’s Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us that’s his number one advisor. otherwise, if you have a better explanation send it to me info@gospelnewsnetwork.org – would love to hear it. If you decide to make an argument, it had better be well researched, well thought out and articulate, please don’t waste my time with how you feel about his monologue. If you think Jesus Chris isn’t real, you have already lost, because you bought the lie.

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