for Giza Death StarThis article I found in the links to an article that someone sent me, and it’s all the way into the “apocalypse” end of the “whopper doozie” category, as a quick reading of the article will demonstrate:
Scientists Directly Manipulated Antimatter With a Laser In Mind-Blowing First
Before we dive into the implications of the article, first consider what it has to say about matter-antimatter reactions:
Because they are equal but opposite forms of matter, particles and antiparticles spectacularly annihilate each other when they collide, a reaction that creates byproducts that can be detected in laboratories and that prove antimatter does exist.
Indeed, what I’ve stated before about matter-antimatter reactions should be borne in mind: they are total annihilation reactions. In other words, imagine one had managed to accumulate 25 kilograms of anti-matter and keep it contained, and then suddenly brought that 25 kilograms of anti-matter into contact with 25 kilograms of ordinary matter. The result would be an annihilation reaction that would make the world’s largest-ever hydrogen bomb – Russia’s “Tsar Bomba” with an enormous yield of 57 megatons – look like a firecracker.
So with that as the context, now consider what the article says. Firstly, it states that this most recent achievement was accomplished under the auspices of CERN:
The milestone was achieved by the Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus (ALPHA) project, an international collaboration based at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. For team members like Makoto Fujiwara, a researcher at the University of British Columbia’s TRIUMF laboratory and the spokesperson for ALPHA-Canada, the new study is the culmination of decades of imagination and grit.
This, for me, is a significant admission, because I’ve long speculated that the enormous expense invested in CERN throughout the decades of its existence was not simply about proving abstruse notions about theoretical physics; that expense to me represented and represents an ultimately military purpose, and anti-matter (with its potential link to anti-gravity and planet-busting weapons) would certainly be worth the investment.