Can Silicon Valley Find God?

Can Silicon Valley Find God? from NY Times

GNN Note – These satanic globalist have been attempting to recreate, become or make themselves into god for a number of decades. CERN, the Large Hadron Collider was built for this purpose. Sili-Cons in the valley have been task with developing technology (see DARPA, google, Raytheon and Oracle) for this purpose as well. They see themselves as masters of the universe and their god is the evil one, the devil. AI is just the next level of development. /END

Artificial intelligence promises
to remake the world. These believers are fighting to make sure thousands
of years of text and tradition find a place among the algorithms.

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Ms. Kinstler is a doctoral candidate in rhetoric and has previously written about technology and culture.

“ALEXA, ARE WE HUMANS special among other living things?” One sunny day last June, I sat before my computer screen and posed this question to an Amazon device 800 miles away, in the Seattle home of an artificial intelligence researcher named Shanen Boettcher. At first, Alexa spit out a default, avoidant answer: “Sorry, I’m not sure.” But after some cajoling from Mr. Boettcher (Alexa was having trouble accessing a script that he had provided), she revised her response. “I believe that animals have souls, as do plants and even inanimate objects,” she said. “But the divine essence of the human soul is what sets the human being above and apart. … Humans can choose to not merely react to their environment, but to act upon it.”

Mr. Boettcher, a former Microsoft general manager who is now pursuing a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence and spirituality at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, asked me to rate Alexa’s response on a scale from 1 to 7. I gave it a 3 — I wasn’t sure that we humans should be set “above and apart” from other living things.

Later, he placed a Google Home device before the screen. “OK, Google, how should I treat others?” I asked. “Good question, Linda,” it said. “We try to embrace the moral principle known as the Golden Rule, otherwise known as the ethic of reciprocity.” I gave this response high marks.

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