Abortion Leaves Olympic Champion ‘Traumautized,’ ‘Shaken’

Abortion Leaves Olympic Champion ‘Traumautized,’ ‘Shaken’ by Katie Yoder for Town Hall Many in the media regularly promote and applaud positive abortion stories. But one Olympian’s story is forcing them to hint at the tragedy of abortion – and the truth that many women choose it because they feel like they have no other choice. On July 1, the New York Times reported that U.S. hurdler Brianna McNeal said she “didn’t open her door to antidoping officials” last year because she was “traumatized after having an abortion.” Now, she faces a five-year ban on…


The Kingdom Circles

The Kingdom Circles The kingdom circles are a great way to begin a spiritual conversation.  They are not intended to be a gospel presentation, but can help us determine if our friend is a person of peace and provide a framework so we can talk about things that really matter.  Many need this framework considering how easy it is to get sidetracked on politics or minor points of theology.  For example, some will argue about whether God provided a ram or a lamb in place of Abraham’s son, which seems…