Are There Any Good Apples at the FBI? by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
With the latest revelation of massive FBI incompetence/corruption – turns out the G-men ended up not just screwing up the gymnastics pervert case but lying about it under oath – you have to wonder something. We keep getting told that the rank-and-file are A-OK, that it’s just a few bad apples up on the top floor who are framing people, botching investigations, not stopping mass killers, urging intrafamilial narcing, and busting LEGO insurrectionists. Fine, great, dandy.
So, where are all the good apples?
Who quit in protest?
Who resigned and went public?
Who said “No?”
If I was more technically savvy, this is where I would insert a GIF of a tumbleweed blowin’ across the range.
Your oath or your pension is the choice, and the pension seems to prevails almost every single time. Not always – here a Space Force light colonel sacrifices his command to tell the truth, there a teacher gets fired for refusing to indoctrinate his students. But it’s an anomaly, like we were told the bad apples are an anomaly. Abandon your delusion that the good apples shall soon rise up and put things right. Have you seen a tsunami of right-putting?
And not just at the FBI, an agency so utterly corrupted and broken that President DeSantis should fire the director, order all the agents to the streets to patrol for jaywalkers, then demolish the hideous HQ building and sow the ground beneath it with salt. No, the good apples shortage is everywhere in government, from the feds down to your local flatfoot. And its in our other institutions too.
Who was it who busted mommies for felony kids-not-wearing-face-thongs-while-alone-and-outside? It wasn’t that malignant gnome Fauci. It wasn’t some MSNBCNN Baghdad Bob. It was local cops who did the bidding of their masters when the bidding was obviously bullSchiff. But they did it. They did the bidding. And we can’t unsee it.
How about in colleges? We hear about how bad it is and how scared everyone is, and we learn that a lot of professors really, really don’t like this CRT fascism stuff. But with few exceptions, they do nothing. They censor themselves, conform, and hope that somehow this will all blow over.