There Is A Solution

There Is A Solution from Alcoholics Anonymous We, of Alcoholics Anonymous, know thousands of men and women who were once just as hopeless as Bill. Nearly all have recovered. They have solved the drink problem. We are average Americans. All sections of this country and many of its occupations are represented, as well as many political, economic, social, and religious backgrounds. We are people who normally would not mix. But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful. We are like the passengers…



INJECTABLE BRAIN-READING NANOSENSORS By Joseph P. Farrell for Giza Death Star While watching the lamestream propatainment media’s ongoing “coverage” of the planscamdemic, one thing that is being consistently ignored is the mRNA injection as an “operating system,” even though that’s exactly what Moderna calls their version of it. One concern that has been raised by myself, or people like Catherine Fitts, and others, is that this “operating system” is less about people’s health, than it is about constant surveillance. With that in mind, K.M. and W.M. both spotted and shared this…


Natural remedies and strategies for fighting viruses

Natural remedies and strategies for fighting viruses By Cassie B. for Cures If there’s one thing the coronavirus pandemic has taught us, it’s the power that viruses have to cause widespread death and upend life in every corner of the world. That’s an impressive feat for something so tiny. Scientists have worked hard to come up with vaccines to fight viruses, but they’ve had mixed results. One only needs to look at the flu vaccine to see how challenging it is to get these efforts right. And while there’s a lot…


Are Attack Drones the Next Global Arms Race?

Are Attack Drones the Next Global Arms Race? by Aden Tate for The Organic Prepper While drones are most certainly nothing new, how they will fight future wars is most certainly novel. Chief of these means is through the addition of autonomous drone ‘swarms’ to many militaries worldwide. Attack Drone Swarms Growing Globally Nations across the globe are ensuring that they don’t fall behind the curve in this new weaponized technology. France has Icarus, Spain has RAPAZ, Russia has Lightning, the UK has Blue Bear, and the UAE has N-Raven. Armenia recently unveiled a swarming attack…