Ongoing church burnings are Canada’s equivalent of BLM By Anthony Murdoch for Life Site News
‘It’s the Canadian equivalent of when Black Lives Matter burns down black owned businesses in black neighborhoods – that does not help black people.’
The head of Rebel News, Ezra Levant, told FOX News host Tucker Carlson that the multitude of arson attacks on churches in Canada are the nation’s “Black Lives Matter” moment, and called out the near silence regarding the burnings from the nation’s top leaders.
“It’s the Canadian equivalent of when Black Lives Matter burns down black owned businesses in black neighborhoods – that does not help black people,” Levant told Carlson last week.
There has been heavy media coverage of the discovery of unmarked graves at now-closed residential schools once run by the Church in parts of Canada and now nearly 40 churches, most of them Catholic, have either been burned or vandalized.
An online map posted by True North News shows the locations of these churches.
“All of a sudden Canada looks a lot like the Soviet Union,” Carlson began.
“Seem like we’re exaggerating a little bit? Well, they’re burning Catholic and Anglican churches in recent days. Leftist groups are. But Canada’s leaders aren’t condemning the burning of churches. No, they’re endorsing the burning of churches,” he continued.
Levant told Carlson that most of the churches being burned are “Aboriginal-focused.”
“And you often have, in one case, white Antifa-style vandals…filming themselves desecrating a church. And the trouble is from the very top, it’s either silence or tacit support,” said Levant.
Levant added he is “reluctant to use the word Kristallnacht because we’re not there yet,” in regard to the church burnings in Canada.
“It was a precursor to the Holocaust. Obviously, we are not that far gone yet, but what do you call it when literally dozens of churches are being systematically vandalized, torched?”
Kristallnacht was the burning of Jewish synagogues, homes, businesses, schools, and hospitals at the hands of the Nazis in Germany in 1938, which resulted in many deaths and thousands of Jewish people taken to concentration camps; ultimately six million Jews died in the Holocaust.