Shortwave Radio For Disaster Information

Shortwave Radio For Disaster Information ByKen J. for Modern Survival Blog

During a disaster, getting news and information is a key element to making good decisions. A portable battery-operated shortwave radio receiver (with HF Ham bands) will be a great asset.

At a minimum, get yourself an inexpensive portable AM radio.

Even better, take it to the next level with a portable battery operated shortwave radio. It will provide more opportunity (more bands) to get even more information – which may be critical during a disaster.

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Listening to Shortwave Radio, whether a hobby, or gathering information during a disastrous event, will provide news and information from around the region, country, and the world. Broadcasts and sources ranging from government, business, independent stations, and individuals.

In addition to ordinary news gathering, there are many emergency situation scenarios where a portable battery operated shortwave radio will be a valuable asset to be used to gain critical real-time information. Perhaps before others get the information – enabling a head-start on decision making. The sooner you understand what’s going on, the sooner you can make good decisions.

For example, let’s say your entire region loses electrical power. Lets say this results in a mostly, or total blackout of information from local broadcasters. Most people rely on cable TV, satellite TV, or the internet for their sources of information. These stations could be completely off the air – and your TV will be down anyway from the grid being down. Some radio stations and transmitters will have emergency power generators, and if you had a portable (battery operated) radio, you could find out what’s going on. A shortwave radio will enable you to hear stations from very far away, enabling you to hear information from around the region, nation, and the world – beyond just your local region.

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