Christian revival in IRAN, fastest growth in the world (Video)

Christian revival in IRAN, fastest growth in the world Video by 100huntley

GNN Note – Why do they have to be “EX-Muslims” why can’t they be Muslims that believe in Jesus Christ and worship Jesus Christ? Just asking, I don’t know the answer. /END

In the mid-1980s, Dr. Hormoz Shariat and his wife prayed, “Lord, use us to save Iran!” His passion to bless Muslims stems, in part, due to the murder of his brother Hamraz, who was arrested in Iran at the age of 16 on a minor political charge. After two years in jail, the teen was executed by a firing squad. God showed Dr. Shariat that the best way to respond to this tragedy is to dedicate his life to bringing one million Muslims to salvation in Christ.

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In his book, Iran’s Great Awakening, Dr. Shariat takes readers on a journey out of bondage to freedom in Christ. Learn what the Bible says about Iran and why this Middle Eastern country is right at the cusp of something big, eternal, and of a great historical proportion – something that is already unfolding! God impressed on his heart, “I am going to do a great work in Iran and change that nation forever, and I am giving you the honour to be a part of it.”

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