Will lawlessness, debt, deficits, legalized theft (QE), and percolating insanity lead to impoverishing destabilization & tyranny?

Will lawlessness, debt, deficits, legalized theft (QE), and percolating insanity lead to impoverishing destabilization & tyranny? by  for DKAnalytics

Will lawlessness, debt, deficits, legalized theft (QE), and percolating insanity lead to impoverishing destabilization & tyranny?
(Will we let the “kindergarten bullies” win and take down what remains of meritocracy, sustainability, and sanity?)

FYI, Joe: Florida parents cultured their children’s masks and found dangerous bacteria — the “duh” factor & the face of tyranny
FYI, Joe: kids with masks on for only 3 minutes are inhaling 6x acceptable levels of CO2

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Anti-citizenanti-national sovereignty, anti-nation state, anti-freedomanti-private property lawlessness:
(Not only privacy and “our” money and how we spend it are at stake, but our civilization!)

Since discriminatory demagogue “King Biden” assumed office, and hired a cabinet brimming with Anti-Americans, Ant-Semites, racists, “racialists,” redistributing segregationists, and indoctrinating, class warfare, “social justice,” “cancel culture” Marxists (a.k.a, domestic terrorists), a plethora of executive orders (EOs), or “royal proclamations,” typically praised and regurgitated by the sycophanticagenda-driven, false narrative “Pravda press,” have pushed aside the legislative prerogative in unprecedented terms.  Moreover, Biden’s EOs are displacing constitutionally conceived laws and statutes while Bill of Rights protections, including the first, fourth, and fifth amendments, are being targeted in truly Stalinist terms, the fabricated rationale being a new, even more grotesque “national security threat,” which not only was likely staged or enabled by a politicized FBI, but is sadly reminiscent of the Dems’ diabolical, purely political  “Russia did it” hoax.  It’s also reminiscent of the media’s shameless Lafayette Park lies parroted by Democratic bigwigs in yet another illegitimate, utterly concocted attempt to take down President Trump. (One could be forgiven for wondering whether the propaganda media truly runs America.)

That raft of Biden EOs has fortified the all-powerful administrative state (the unelected, unaccountable, frequently tenured, despotic bureaucrats working symbiotically with K Street/Corporate America and Wall Street, also known as fascism) nestled in the executive branch that carries them out, thereby sustaining and accelerating a multi-decade usurpation of the sole legislative function that Congress was given by the US Constitution under the singularly vital, tyranny-disabling, separation of powers doctrine. That same, deeply politicized, statist bureaucracy has increasingly trampled on federalismproperty right protectionssound money (to stave off cronyism and redistributionism), and, in the case of the extremely political CDC, “all of the above,” while its policy has made a mockery of its charter to “save lives and protect people” while torching its de facto “do no harm” obligations and its credibility.  To add insult to injury, the federal courts, which are supposed to be guardians of the US Constitution, continue to broadly legislate from the bench while often refusing to uphold the American Constitution from separation of powers to the last presidential election to fraudulent-free elections to sound money to federalism to citizens’ inalienable rights perspectives.

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