For many years I’ve been warning about the possibility that those “home DNA testing kits” that allow you to determine your genetic “ancestry” might not be merely the latest “technological fun,” and that my suspicion was (and is) that many of these companies are fronts for governments. One possibility that I’ve entertained is that “they” are collecting individual human DNA samples because “they” are looking for something, or perhaps, “someone” in the human population that may not be entirely homo sapiens sapiens.

Well, some partial confirmation appears to be had with this article shared by W.G.:

China is stealing your DNA with home ancestry kits

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Here’s the core of the article’s allegations:

At-home DNA testing kits have become all the rage as people seek to identify their ancestry. The only problem is that many of these companies are Chinese fronts that collect people’s genetic blueprints and use them for unknown purposes.

During a recent hearing, Dr. Steven Quay explained how the process typically works. What people receive in the mail and use to swab their DNA is then sent off to companies that in many cases are based in China.

“So if you go on the internet and want to do a DNA test for almost anything on the internet as a consumer – and you don’t even need a doctor to sign – and you do a scrape, the specimen will very often go to a laboratory here,” Dr. Quay stated.

“But then it gets shipped to BGI, which bought more Illumina sequencing machines than any other place in the world.”

Illumina sequencing machines, by the way, are used to process microarrays. These are what supposedly determine a person’s lineage going back to the early days of the family tree. (Boldface emphasis added)

There you have it: many of these companies use Chinese laboratories to process the results. But the question is, what are they using the data for? “Unknown purposes” could cover a multitude of nefarious activities. But given the recent revelations of “gain-of-function” research in connection to covid and Dr. Fausti, one possible use immediately presents itself, namely, the creation of genetically-specific and targeted bioweapons and it would be the height of irrationality, given that regime’s dubious track record, to assume anything else.

I suspect, however, that the use of this database is not restricted to bioweapons. As indicated above, I suspect that they may be “looking” for something, a genetic marker that may tend to corroborate (or disprove) genetic manipulations of the human population in the past or present, perhaps even a “hybridization” such that someone may look homo sapiens sapiens but be of a different genetic makeup.

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