The Coming of Strong Man Populism and the Power of ‘No!’ by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
Get ready for Strong Man Populism. The bad guys – the soft elite who think it can hold onto the societal power it inherited, but did not earn, through petty oppressions – will call it “authoritarianism.” Of course, they like authoritarianism when they are the authority – that’s why they feel no compunction about remaking our country and culture without bothering with obtaining our buy-in. But history teaches – not that they would know it, because they have never been taught it – that a backlash is inevitable.
We’re going to turn to someone who won’t be deterred by cultural caterwauling, who will not be satisfied with a status quo ante that is deeply anti-American, who will ruthlessly use his power to reclaim our society for us, and who will wreak vengeance on our enemies.
That last one is important. They must learn never to do this again.
We’re going to elect a Strong Man Populist because the current crisis is intolerable, and because we understand that the Weak (Wo)Man Caucus – think pliable puffball Jeb! and Chamber of Commerce-curious squishes like Nikki!, Kristi! and Asa! – don’t know what time it is.
It’s time to smash the ruling class – an odd thing for conservatives to want, but then we’ve never quite had a ruling class that sucked so much.
Strong Man Populism will come, and dumb people will find this ironic, because we are, at heart, still a free people unwilling to merely survive on scraps as serfs. Oh, some of us are eager drones – the lazy, the stupid, the morally illiterate who empower the mutants against us, or who sit on their moms’ couches playing video games. But the rest of us are getting fed up. We can’t be free when we are cowering in our homes, unable to speak, with our interests left undefended. We will take our freedom back, at the ballot box, because our failed ruling class has, well, failed.
Drug-addled hobos, junkies, and degenerates infest our cities and, increasingly our suburbs. The elite answer is, of course, to destroy the suburbs – equity demands everything outside their gated communities suck equally.