How much longer will parents let toxic school socialists ruin their children? By Ronald E. Yates for American Thinker
As angry parents coast to coast continue to rebel against leftist indoctrination of their children at school, the nation’s largest teachers’ unions have let it be known that they will support Marxist and socialist teachers who are teaching Critical Race Theory anyway.
In other words, “Ha, ha, parents, we have your children, we are going to indoctrinate them as we wish, and what are you going to do about it?”
What some irate parents have done about it is to appear at school board meetings. The discourse has been raucous. Some have filed lawsuits. Others have initiated recalls of leftist school board members. In some states like Florida, Texas, Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, legislatures have banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Similar bills banning the teaching of CRT and the bogus 1619 Project are pending in 17 other states.
Against this tide of parental and legislative antipathy, the National Education Association, in a pique of enmity, voted over the weekend to support teaching Critical Race Theory in K–12 schools, approving a “New Business Item” that, among other things, establishes a task force for developing a curriculum focusing more deeply on Critical Race Theory.
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), another national teachers union, has promised legal action against parents and school boards who refuse to allow CRT to be taught.
Randi Weingarten, president of the AFT, vowed recently to file as many lawsuits as it takes to keep shoving CRT down the throats of vulnerable children.
Take that, parents!
So just what exactly is Critical Race Theory? Well, first, it is just that — a theory, and a flawed and unscientific one at that.
CRT and its equally specious partner, the 1619 Project, evolved during the past few years as academic disciplines that declare that the United States was founded not in 1776, as most of us have learned. Instead, America was founded in 1619 to preserve slavery, racism, oppression, and white supremacy — and these forces are still at the root of our systemically racist society.
Supporters of Critical Race Theory maintain that it is merely a “lens,” arguing that “race is a social construct” and that racism is “systemic,” not individual.
However, that argument is a strategic departure that fails to grapple with some of the theory’s more controversial concepts.
Critical Race Theory reformulates the old Marxist dialectic of oppressor and oppressed, replacing the class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat with white and black identity categories. But the basic conclusion is the same: to liberate black and brown people, society must be fundamentally transformed through moral, economic, and political revolution.
The way to do that, CRT proponents say, is to “teach” (read: “indoctrinate”) children to view themselves and the world through the ambiguous and tarnished lens of race. CRT teachings reduce individual students to the racial categories of “white,” “Black,” and “people of color,” which are then loaded with value connotations — “white” students are labeled “oppressors.” In contrast, “Black” students are labeled “oppressed.”
Oppressed by whom? The millions of white people who voted twice for a black president and then voted for a black woman as vice president? Those oppressors? Oh, I see.