Running Into the Fire, Literally…

Running Into the Fire, Literally… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

There is some seriously foul language in the video below.

We haven’t seen things as bad as this, however, before we moved out of the city our neighbor – two doors down – still has a bullet in the back door from a drug deal gone bad in our back yard. We were in the core of the city that is not considered a “violent big city”, but it has massive problems that will continue to escalate as the city has been overrun by liberals flooding in from the cesspool they created elsewhere and are now creating a new one here in the fair city in which we grew up and came to love and now have fled. I don’t even want to go into the city and look for all my opportunities away from the city. Believe me, having lived downtown with all the conveniences, attractions and other trappings, living outside the city is far better for us.

If you decide to watch this video please keep these officers in mind when you hear some lunatic screaming “defund the police”. Please show just a tiny amount of courage and strength and don’t turn your back, but counter the nonsense with truth. Keep in mind these guys are being fired upon by people that want to KILL THEM – they are trying to KILL THEM.

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This is one of the most horrific scenes to come across my desk in all the years I have been reporting crimes. This is somewhere in the U.S., I believe in Detroit. It sounds like a war zone. It is impossible to count the number of gun shots that you can hear. The police continually push in and never retreat. The police are attempting to save lives and protect the community. The police are the only people between the citizens attempting to live their lives and the criminals attempting to end their lives.

Please pray for your community. When you are done praying – GET BUSY in your community or this will be showing up at your doorstep. The guns are NOT the problem. The criminals are the problem. Strong DA’s that believe in stopping crime is the way to make this stop. Not some politician talking about taking LEGAL guns from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS but upholding the law and prosecuting criminals. When you have DA’s that don’t prosecute and Mayors that don’t govern you have a recipe for what is seen in the video below.

Prayer is needed, however, as we learn in the Book of James 2:14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? Outta your seat, onto your feet and into the street – get busy, get busy now.

There is some seriously foul language in this video. You have been warned – twice.

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