Mothers Day…
Did you know this? Were you aware of this? When do we begin using this type of information to keep drugs out of our system? If “no means no” and “my body, my choice” ever had the backing of law…well, here it is.
Active link –
If your country can't even uphold this, then everything you were ever told about human rights and democracy was one big lie. You do not live in a country where human rights have any value.
— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti2) July 12, 2021
There will never be another Mothers Day for these Moms. There will never be another birthday celebration, smile or loving hug. Their life was stolen. Experiments are not intended for humans unless those humans know and approve of being part of an experiment they should not be included. Millions upon million of people are being injected with something that was rushed to market, that had little research and doesn’t have any approval. If a person gets sick from the experimental injection they have no one to blame except themselves, as no one else is claiming responsibility.
Please think twice before participating in the largest human experiment in the history of the world. If you have a Mother, are a mother or know a Mother please consider sharing this with other people that are, know or have a Mother.
You will cry !! But you need to spread the truth! Your government and health dept is killing people and they know !! Share share share
— Mahoney David G (@MahoneyDavidG1) July 10, 2021
What about this abomination? Since when do we allow people free reign to climb on bridges, buildings and sculptures? What changed? When did are society get to be governed by animals instead of God fearing people? Here…this is probably a clue
God can’t bless the killing of a defenseless baby. He is a God of resurrection and life not death. But God can bless all the lives impacted by abortion. Lord bring life and healing and revival to America!#HoldTheLine
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) July 11, 2021
This is what’s at stake, this is what life is about. The monsters and devils that walk this world want to destroy this, end this or own it if it happens to be born.
18 weeks
Photograph by Lennart Nilsson— Ruth (@redusa21) July 10, 2021
These are three of the most powerful, most well known devils on the planet. If you want Mothers, babies and life itself to have a chance make this stop. Spread this message and tell your neighbor, tell your church and tell your family until they listen.
I love the smell of Panic in the afternoon…❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🔥🔥🔥
— Stacy Sharko (@StacySharko) July 10, 2021
Use it or lose it. One of the most powerful weapons the devil uses is the fiat currency system owned by the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Note is neither money nor currency but is rather an instrument of debt, which is clearly stated on each note. The piece of plastic used to conduct transactions conveniently hides this vital piece of information, but if you look at any Federal Reserve Note, what you call a “dollar” you will see it printed right on the face of this hand-held contract. These hand-held contracts, in digital, physical or imaginary form are what make all the above possible. If the money system were healthy and uncorrupted none of what is published would be possible.
— PISCES DRAGON (@DragonPisces) July 11, 2021