Just A Little Fear Is All That’s Needed…

Just A Little Fear Is All That’s Needed… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

When history is ignored bad things happen.

The cultural marxist that are erasing, or worse, rewriting, history people suffer, then people die en masse. We are seeing the beginning stages of that right now – for the past year and half governments, working together, around the world have put into place serious measures that threaten humanity. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear are screaming from the roof tops. Can anyone see or hear?

Don’t want to hear – “Didn’t see that coming!” You’re lying to yourself as the others are ignoring you.

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People, especially people under age 40, are being used in the largest psy-op in human history. It is a massive human experiment that has never been tried before and people are being pushed into the pits of hell. Or are they walking into the fire willingly?

Why would a 19 year old ever take a medication for an illness that has close to zero impact on their life? This is coercion on a scale that is hard to fathom, and still people are lined up to take the jab.

Fear, the final solution.

Who is the British government planning on housing in this facility? I thought people should be released from prison and now they’re building a prison that holds more people than the community in which I live? Seriously? For who?

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