This Is What Truth Sounds Like…

This Is What Truth Sounds Like… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

If there were any other honest media people on TV the NSA, FBI, CIA and every other spy agency in the U.S. would not be spying on Tucker Carlson. They wouldn’t be spying on Tucker Carlson because the Light of Truth would be so bright it would not happen. Unfortunately, Tucker Carlson is the lone voice crying in the wilderness. The people that watch Tucker Carlson have a better opportunity at hearing and seeing the truth than most others. For this reason, according to corporate America and Operation Mockingbird media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR and a great many online versions, the show of the same name – Tucker Carlson Tonight – must be destroyed at all cost.

If Mr. Carlson weren’t over-the-target five nights a week, the spy agencies would leave him be and not care one bit about what he says to more 5 million people that tune in each night. That 5 million number is very low as the reality of the situation is probably closer to 10 million by the time amplified pieces, like the one below, are shared over and over and over again. This is one the more serious problems the social media, tech overlords have with us plebs – we talk a lot. We talk a lot with our friends, our family and our community. We actually have thoughts, are able to speak clearly and concisely and it makes the overlords crazy. This is why they are attempting to squash us and make us stop thinking. “Shut-up and stop asking questions!!” Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

This is one of the most powerful pieces of truth about the America First movement that has come to light. There will be more, but this is an amazing, well thought out, articulate and detailed description of not “Trump supporters” but America First, Constitutionalist, people that believe in law and order and want to see the law applied equally regardless of how much money someone has or if they happen to be connected. Hang them all for their crimes against humanity. I don’t say that lightly. When you have people that have destroyed the lives of millions of people around the world and these same people are destroying our country, there should be no quarter given.

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Watch this and think about your family, friends and community and tell me where this person misses the mark – you will be hard pressed to find a miss.

Tell me where Mr. Carlson misses the mark in this piece.

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