SELCO’s Biggest Takeaway from the Last 2 Years: Illusion Smashing By Selco Begovic for The Organic Prepper
If someone asked me, “What is your takeaway from the last two years?” I would say, “Illusion smashing.”
Almost all the key events that happened in that period of time we would have said “oh that is never gonna happen” if someone asked us that 3 years ago.
To be more precise, I would not have said that…but most of the average preppers would say that because they kept saying “oh it will never happen here” or” no, not in US, we are different”.
I would not only never say that, even more, and quite contrary, for freaking 10 years I kept saying and writing “it might (will) happen there” or “it might (will) even be worse there” and so on and so on.
There is quite an important reason why I am pointing out so bluntly that I was right, and most of the Preppersphere was wrong. And no it is not because I feel good because I was right.
The reason is this- I want to point out something again here, and most of Preppersphere probably gonna think and say “naah, he is wrong”, so…remember that I am often right about these things, no matter how ridiculous might sound.
About losing
It is a bit hard to explain what in essence I am meaning by this, so I’ll try to additionally explain.
Learn to recognize when you are losing. Learn to accept defeat and live to fight another day. Learn to mentally accept defeat and still operate day by day. Every major military strategy book advises against fighting battles you cannot win, including The Art of War. I wrote about this more than once in past years, but times now require me to repeat all this and to yell about it maybe.
There is something about today’s way of living, that keeps sending us the wrong messages. There is something actually about the society of consumerism that keeps saying to us again and again that each of us is special and precious and unique, and that we are all winners, and so on and so on.
I do not have anything against positive psychology as a way of help, but I am very against the mentality where you think you are something special and that you actually cannot lose.
Understand this: if you truly believe that you are invincible in a way that you are special and that you can not lose – then when you are defeated you are gone. You are not gonna be able to live and fight another day.
I am sorry, but no, you are nothing special.
Especially in hard times, you can be swept away by your small mistake. Simply in one minute you can lose all of your possessions, and if you up to that moment were hardcore “I am special” it will crush you because most probably you will not be able to cope with that situation. You’ll be shocked.
You will lose many times, sometimes more sometimes less…that does not mean life is gone when you lose. Quite contrary you’ll be richer with valuable experience from that loss.
It’s happening right now
There is a huge myth that the “fall of society” will require you to step out and fight in a blaze of glory against tyrants and oppression and that it is going to be very clear to everyone who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
Honestly, did you believe that?
In reality, people are gonna be slowly stripped out of their rights through the process of making you “not acceptable” in the new society.
So on the day when you step out from your house with a rifle in your hands to fight “oppression and tyranny,” you’ll be shot by a neighbor who sees you as a terrorist, and he is gonna be afraid for his two kids.