It’s A Book About Everything…
When we listen to Jesus Christ speak to us through the Holy Spirit we hear what God wants us to know.
What is the Holy Bible about? What is the “theme”, the “plot line” if you will? Is there a plot line to the Bible? Yes. It’s a book about everything. It’s a book about how to, when to, who with, what for and much, much more. It’s a book that will fire the imagination in ways most people never dreamt of.
Explain which inventions, in all of history, came from a place other than imagination. Where did all the inventions in world history derive? What is the greatest source of fuel for imagination? The intuitive mind of God.
When did Jesus teach in terms of literalism? Does He teach in this manner? Parables are not literal, they are spoken, by Jesus Christ, for the explicit purpose of making us think and drawing us nearer to Him – that is their purpose. Inspire, that is their purpose. What happens when we are inspire, in-Spirited? Are we not deep into the intuitive mind of God? Are we not seeking His thoughts, His ideas, the colors and designs of His works? Of course we are.
One of the so-called “archaic” definitions of the word “inspire” is to infuse (something, such as life) by breathing another “archaic” definition is to breathe or blow into or upon isn’t that something. The people that keep words, like Merriam-Webster are telling us the word “inspire” a long time ago meant “to infuse (something, such as life) by breathing” but today it doesn’t mean that any longer. What happened, what changed? Did the living, breathing Word of God change; did it stop living, breathing? See what Merriam-Webster did right there? Convince people that a word is not a word by changing its meaning and viola! – meaningless.
So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and *said to them, “Peace be with you.” ~ John 20:19 NASB95
When Jesus appeared in the in the room where the Disciples were gathered, how did He get in the room when doors were shut? John made sure to mention “the doors were shut” so we, the readers of the Holy Bible, would, in fact, know and understand the “doors were shut” but “Jesus came and stood in their midst” – after the doors were shut. The Disciples are afraid the Jews are going to find them, so the doors are shut, but Jesus somehow appears in their midst. How? If John is including a detail so small like the doors being shut, maybe we should consider it. Did John forget to mention – another very insignificant detail like – “and Peter opened the door to let Jesus in” ? This is where inspiration comes in. This is the point where we are infused with the intuitive mind of God – inspiration. This is the point of departure from a book about religion and diving into a book about everything. If we are being inspired – in-Spirit – God is breathing on us, we are being infused by the Living, Breathing Word of God and the details of these magnificently, beautiful stories jump off the page, into our life and begin to direct our life in Jesus Christ.
Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.