Mosquito Treatment | How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes
Is the mosquito your State Bird ? :=)
Mosquito Treatment
I will list a number of ways to control or get rid of mosquitoes, including natural and other treatments.
But first, know this: Mosquito control is mostly related with WATER. Mosquitoes lay their eggs on standing water or damp soil. They thrive in wet, moist, damp conditions.
The mosquito transitions from larvae to pupa to adult as soon as 4 days! For mosquito control, remove the conditions which enable their ability to thrive. Follow these suggestions:
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
Eliminate Pooling Water
Check everything and anything in the yard for pooling of water. Remove, turn over, or regularly clean objects that allow water to pool. Bird baths – clean them regularly. Don’t leave buckets, toy pools, toys, pots, gardening items that collect water, or any other container to sit outside where they can collect water.
Keep the Grass Mowed Short
 Mow the grass fairly short because deep tall grass enables an ideal moist breeding ground for the mosquito. This makes a big difference!
Cut Out Low Hanging Tree Branches
Some trees (such as a Spruce tree) puts out low branches right to ground level. Mosquitoes love it in there! Trim off the low branches to create at least several feet of air-gap to the ground.
Trim Back your Shrubs
Shrubs and overhanging vegetation. Trim it! Again, mosquitoes like damp places and will thrive on damp ground beneath vegetation.
Keep Your Gutters Clean of Debris
When rain gutters accumulate leaves and debris, they become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Clean them out once a year.
Stop Dripping Water
Stop leaks and drips of water from outdoor taps or hoses. Replace O-rings or valve seats to stop the drip. The constant slow leak or drip will create a moist habitat for breeding mosquitoes.