Before I get to today’s blog, I want to thank everyone for putting up with my little absence over the July 4th holiday.  Also, I wanted to let everyone know once again that the short format vidchat for this coming Friday is already posted in the members’ area, so please post questions and comments in the comments section there, one post per member, and please try to remember to keep them relatively short.

For quite some time I’ve been trying to warn people about the dangers of the move to digital currency, or the attempt to roll any particular crypto-currency over into a digital currency. A couple of years ago, however, the director of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, made statements to the effect that a digital currency could replace the US dollar as a reserve currency. As Catherine Fitts has pointed out, the trouble with this latest bunch of nonsense to be proposed by Mr. Globaloney is that it’s a one-way mirror, allowing him to hide behind it and transact, while putting everyone else on full view; such a system, coupled with a social credit system means in effect that a “digital currency” is not a currency at all; it’s a corporate coupon whose value can be adjusted on a case-to-case basis depending if one is a good little girl or boy. With all the concerns over the quackcines and their “safety” and experimental nature, imagine if such a system had already been in place: those questioning their efficacy and long-term effects might suddenly find the value of their digital currency halved, or worse, denied use of it altogether until they took the “jab”.   Instantly adjustable “currency” we’ve seen before during the hyper-inflation of the Weimar republic; indeed it could be argued that if a currency dramatically loses value between the time a paycheck is deposited or cashed at a bank and a loaf of bread is bought at the grocery store, it’s no longer a currency. Barter was the result.

There’s another danger to the digital hopes of Mr Globaloney Central Bankster: EMP, electromagnetic pulse. Consider this story shared by E.G., and then I want to ask a very simple question:

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Why Isn’t The US Preparing For EMP War Like The Rest Of The World?

Now, having considered the article,  here’s the question: when was the last time you heard the promoters of digital currencies, or of crypto-currencies (the two are not the same thing), talk about the dangers of EMP? Chances are, you haven’t.  Or for that matter, when was the last time you visited the grocery store, paid cash, and encountered a clerk who knew how to count change back to you without the cash register telling him how much was owed? Chances are, you haven’t.

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