Who Is Our Advisor…
What happens when we listen to the voice that says “get into school, follow the rules and do as you’re told”? Or something like, “get a good job, conform to the norms of a heathenish society, shake your head in conformity, then die”? Where does this come from? We already know from where this comes we simply don’t say it in polite company. It’s the devil. It is directly from satan.
The problem is this, we continually kill ourselves to God’s love. We continually ignore the God who died for us and listen to the enemy instead of getting quiet, asking God to speak then do what He says. If God says something like, completely crazy but wholesome, why wouldn’t we do it? Because it’s completely crazy? Yes, that’s why.
What if a person drank their life away year upon year? What if pornography had taken over ones mind? What if exercise or ones job kept them away from their family? What if a person could spout statistics about an athlete or sports team but knew nothing about Isiah, Abraham or their child’s upcoming event(s)? Who would be the advisor of this life?
What would happen if we understood these have become our idols? What would we do about it? What if we went before God and ask God “what do You want me to know about these addictive / compulsive behaviors that are blocking me from You? What do You want me to do about these addictive / compulsive behaviors that are blocking me from You? What if we then listened for the still small voice – followed immediately by the action that God Himself tells us to do – what would happen to our life?
God has a plan. That is one of the great affirmations of the Christian Faith.
In that plan each of us has a part. The entire world’s troubles and all our own troubles arise from our failure to discover that plan and our part in it. God’s plan is the only one on which either society or my life will work.
When we speak of God’s will we too often think of nothing more than His wish that we should be good and conduct our life on honest and unselfish principles. It does not occur to us that all the detail of our life—what post we take, how we spent this dollar, the use we make of this hour, whom we make friends with, every decision taken on wages or trade policy–are all significant for God, and will, in a really God-controlled life, be consciously related to His purpose for us and the world. Yet the God we see in the Bible is emphatically not the kind of parent who says to His children at the beginning of a day: ‘Now you can go where you want and do what you like so long as you don’t get your feet wet and do come back in time for dinner.’ God has a more positive program for us and a more intimate concern in our lives than that. Source
Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the Lord.” ~ 1 Chronicles 22:19 NKJB
It is not only important for Him that Abraham should be a good man, but vital that he should leave his family home in Ur of the Chaldees and go to live in another country. A whole section of God’s plan depends on whether Ananias is prepared to set aside his fear, and pay that call in Straight Street, Damascus. It matters just as much to-day where John Smith, who has handed over his business to God, builds his new factory, or where Mr. and Mrs. Jones decide to live, now that they are letting God use their home. For God is an Architect, planning a building–a building of reconstructed lives and reconstructed society; and the place of every brick is of importance. God is a General directing a campaign–a campaign against evil; and the movement of each soldier is vital to His strategy. He does not want children who will just behave themselves and give him no trouble. He wants willing cooperators who will allow Him to direct their lives in every detail, and to fit them together as a living part of His plan of reconstruction. It is when we are prepared to seek the will of God at this level that we shall find the answer to all our own problems, and the world’s problems as well. Source
When God becomes the bricklayer of our lives, our lives change. When we turn our thoughts over to His care, His will begins to manifest in our lives. When His will begins to manifest in our lives, as we continually seek His guidance, we will find harmony in Christ. Living in harmony with Christ sounds much easier than listening to an advisor, the devil, whose known as the great deceiver.
Either the Gospel is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of Him, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.