Tweets 7/6/21
Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.
If you don’t live for Jesus you will live for something else. Will those things be enough? Will they die for you?
— Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) July 6, 2021
Are you awakening to the Wuhan bat-flu-stew lie yet? Well, time is running out for the awakening to happen – Susan has a little something for you to swallow if you will simply open your mouth.
#SackMichie the what has my totalitarian politics got to do with my totalitarian recommendations for society woman.
— Knightess Duckworth Telegram: (@ms_duckworth) July 6, 2021
Robert Malone MD, inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccine technology about integration between Big Tech, government and biopharma
— Husserl (@husserl80) July 5, 2021
Well, if the IMF is discussing unemployment, rest assured, things are going sideways.
What is unemployment? #jobs
— IMF (@IMFNews) July 5, 2021
That some would rather choose to explain the world as a simulation than entertain the idea of a personal loving God is mind boggling.
— Mike Harder (@Mike_Harder) July 6, 2021
We agree with each of these points – time to stand up.
— Libertarian Party of Connecticut (@LibertarianCT) July 6, 2021
It's as if we just somehow forgot this part.
— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) July 5, 2021
Yep – been there, done that – all of that!!
I’m even older than this.
— Frank Aiken a Patriot for Trump. (@awesomeaiken) July 5, 2021
The Obama regime was the catalyst to “fundamentally change the United States”…he did an enormous amount of damage. Hillary was suppose to finish what was started, but the machines weren’t programmed correctly. Now they’ve had to install the Harris/Biden regime to clean up, as quickly as possible, what Clinton, Shrub and Obama started. Sign the docs, eat ice cream and don’t say a lot. Get the picture?
— AJC (@AjcFisher) July 6, 2021
“We’ll clip it, I’ll put it on the Twitter, and then you can check them into a mental instistution…”
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) July 5, 2021