Mainstreaming Pedophilia

Mainstreaming Pedophilia By Rob Jenkins for American Thinker

GNN Note – Back in 2015 just retired Senate Majority Leader, Tom Delay, announced the findings of a “secret memo” by the Obama Justice Department to legalize “12 new perversions”. This now unfolding before our eyes. On our old platform, The Daily Coin, we discussed this numerous times. Here is the video from NewsMax in 2015 and a link to a written article by the same.

Still think this is all organic and something “rising up” instead of being pushed down? Well, you would be wrong.

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Here comes “age gap love” also known as pedophilia. /END

After the U. S. Supreme Court decided to change the 6,000-year-old definition of marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges, I predicted to a liberal friend that the Left’s next big push would be to normalize and ultimately legalize pedophilia. Of course, he scoffed at the notion.

In all fairness, he was right — but just barely. The next item on the Left’s agenda, it turned out, was changing the definition of biological sex and thus normalizing gender dysphoria. But mainstreaming pedophilia was not far behind.

Actually, that has long been part of the Left’s plan to “fundamentally change” society by blowing up all its most basic and vital institutions — in particular, the nuclear family. Strong traditional families tend to raise children with good sense who can think and do for themselves.

Such independence is antithetical to the Left’s designs. Thus, children must be alienated from their parents — and what better way to accomplish that than by enticing them into decadent and even deviant behaviors?

Plus — let’s be honest — the Left is rife with out-of-the-closet, in-your-face pedophiles who embrace their own deviancy and need no reason to exploit children beyond their own twisted desires.

For example, NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association, has been in existence since 1978. The group is described as “a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization” whose goal is “to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors.”

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