Every New Republican Is the Most Evil Republican Ever

Every New Republican Is the Most Evil Republican Ever by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall

According to the Democrats, Donald Trump is literally Hitler or something, but rest assured that the next Republican to become a threat to their dominance will be Hitler2 because of course he will. Or she. Maybe it won’t be Ron DeSantis, who we will be told is Baal without the upside. Maybe the GOP will go insane, climb over my and other real conservatives’ dead bodies, and nominate pliable establishment shill-ette Nikki! Haley – and then she will promptly morph into Moloch. It’s just one of those things that simply is and cannot be denied – the sun rises in the east, Brian Stelter is a potato, and every Republican leader is a million times worse than the one who preceded him.

The corollary, liberal nostalgia for dead or exiled Republicans, is as predictable as it is tiresome. Chimpy McBu$Hitlerburton is tolerated now that he’s snuggling with the Obamas and Clintons, stabbing his loyal supporters in the back, and doing cheesy watercolors of veterans his grotesque incompetence got mutilated. All that unpleasantness about him being in on 9/11 is just a vaguely troubling memory from long ago. Some of us were actually alive when Ronald Reagan strode the earth, vanquishing America’s foes and causing mass liberal panty micturition, and we remember the slings and arrows these puny posers cast his way. But now he’s wonderful, being dead, and the Dems are getting warmed up to give Trump the same treatment. Pretty soon we’ll be hearing the victims of Ron DeSantis moaning, “I miss Donald Trump!”


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Because, for the first time in recorded history – which, I am informed by smart people with degrees in Credential Studies from approved A1-level regime conformity factories, began in 1619 – liberals are right. Whoever comes after Trump will be on a scourge kick the likes of which would make Genghis Khan smile wi

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