Top 6 ways to know the “Delta Variant” is just part of the planned SCAMDEMIC sweeping across America By S.D. Wells for SuperBugs
Once you understand how fake news and big pharma function, it’s almost ludicrous watching it all unfold before your very eyes. The motives and ‘end goals’ are no longer a secret, and the narrative is becoming more absurd, yet more believable to the masses, because a few billion sheeple are already injected with dementia-creating inoculations. The CCP-based WHO conned most of the world into wearing masks, quarantining, social distancing and vaccinating for China Flu Part I, and now they’re playing the same busted record again for China Flu Part II, a.k.a. the “Delta Variant.”
The “Vaccine alone won’t stop community transmission,” squawks the assistant director-general for the World Health Organization, “People need to continue to use masks consistently, be in ventilated spaces, …” blah, blah, blah. In the next breath, we’re told that the Covid-19 vaccines are “highly effective” against the Delta Variant, but to “play it safe” you should wear your communism mask (to show lib-tard solidarity while breeding bacterial infection in the mouth and lungs).
Herd theory is now obliterated by vaccines that are so “highly effective” that you STILL have to wear your mask and get NEW vaccines for the variants, plus boosters. Sure.
Common sense and science make it obvious the CDC and WHO are lying about Covid-19, masks, social distancing, dirty vaccines, vaccine injuries and the “Delta Variant”
So let’s get this straight: The vaccines work great, but they don’t work at all? Ostracize the unvaccinated, but don’t go anywhere near the vaccinated? That makes a whole lot of sense too. You can take off your mask once you’re fully vaccinated, but put your mask back on right away, and keep it on, and go back on lockdown indefinitely, because variants of Covid-19 are even more deadly and spreading everywhere fast.
Wait, there’s more. Once you get the vaccines and a vaccine passport, you are safe and free to travel anywhere, but do not go anywhere if there’s an outbreak (scamdemic), because all the vaccines you just got don’t protect you from Covid or any of its variants.
You literally have to be hypnotized, brainwashed and suffering moderate-level dementia to believe anything the WHO or CDC tells you to do. They don’t even keep the same narrative in the news for more than a month now, and the sheeple all forget everything they just heard, and everything they just did to poison their mind and body, and to no avail.
That’s how you know 100 percent that the “Delta Variant” is all part of a huge health Ponzi scheme, where the sheeple go “all in” and get all the deadly vaccines they’re told to get in the name of safety, then find out they lose everything (their family, health, any wealth) because it’s all a scamdemic. Everything everyone is being told to do to protect against Covid actually harms the body. Masks harm you. Social distancing harms you. Dirty vaccines harm you.
Six ways you know the “Delta Variant” is a scam and mostly a cover story for vaccine-induced injuries and vaccine-caused fatalities
#1. The vaccine industry is saying the Covid-19 shot works against the “Delta Variant,” but then they’re saying continue to quarantine at home, wear a mask and social distance, even if you’ve been vaccinated.
#2. The “Delta Variant” began spreading quickly once all the vaccine injuries started to become widespread from the toxic Covid-19 vaccines.
#3. Each “deadly” and more virulent “variant” from here on out will require a NEW vaccine or two, because the whole scamdemic is simply about using dirty vaccines to reduce the world’s population by a few billion (like Bill Gates said at a TED convention a few years ago).
#4. Lab-made-diseases with “pandemic-style” outbreaks are how the Democrats ensure they remain in power, through falsified mail-in ballots for all elections, whether local, city, county, state, federal or POTUS level political offices.
#5. Spreading disease and shutting down businesses is how the Communist Regime in the White House can turn America into a sick and starving socialist hell-hole as fast as possible.
#6. Most of the people catching and/or dying from Covid-19 and the “Delta Variant” now are people who were already vaccinated against Covid.