The Fifty-Year War on America’s Soul

The Fifty-Year War on America’s Soul By Christopher Chantrill  for American Thinker

Some of us remember the good old days of pigskins and leather helmets, when White folks called “Come On Team!” in educated tones from the sidelines.

This “Go Team” culture filtered downstream into politics.

We have, for instance, the line from President Biden: “C’mon Man!” It still carries the faint aroma of racist white team sports, only it means: “You can’t be serious, pal. Get with the program.”

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There is also another version: “Come ON.” It means something slightly different. It means “You can’t seriously expect me to believe this horse pucky.”

That was in the olden days, when white supremacy ruled the Earth and Brit colonialists in India decided to forgive the payment of taxes during a drought on the outcome of a game of cricket – at least in the movie Lagaan. And naturally, because it is a Bollywood movie, there is singing and dancing and plenty of costume changes. Of course. Jolly civilized, what?

When ordinary Americans are bullied into reciting that the George Floyds, the Michael Browns, the Trayvon Martins of the world are helpless innocents and victims of “police brutality” and that statues should be built in their honor, they mumble under their breath: “Come ON. I know a fatherless drugged-out habitual criminal twerp when I see one.”

Nobody except pre-Boomers like President Biden says “C’mon Man” anymore. And you better not let the HR folks at work hear your “Come ON” mutterings. Things have gotten much more serious in our 21st century culture.

That’s because the suffering of oppressed peoples did not end with the Great Society nor with the Civil Rights Act nor with the Voting Rights Act nor with Affirmative Action nor with Diversity and Inclusion. Every nice liberal lady knows that. So, there is only one recourse. We must proceed to Critical Race Theory in the schools and shame little children into lifelong guilt.

So when our liberal friends insist there is nothing to see here with respect to Critical Race Theory yet we should all get with the program, and while violent insurrectionists are being arrested at school board meetings, they do not say “C’mon Man!” as liberals did in olden times. They get right to the point and tell the white supremacists in question they are all white oppressors and racists, and they are invalidating the lived experience of oppressed peoples everywhere.

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