SBC Unified Great Commission Vision for the Future by Ronnie W. Floyd
Southern Baptists, we have a unified Great Commission vision to carry us through 2025. With confidence, pastors and church leaders can stand before our churches and say, “These are the things we will focus on and resolve to do together as Southern Baptists from now through 2025.”
As you share it with your church, ask them to join our PRAYER TEAMby texting VISION to 90885. Immediately, they will join thousands of others who are participating in this major prayer initiative across the globe. Together, we will pray about our unified Great Commission vision for the future.
Our 2021 Convention adopted six strategic actions to see this unified Great Commission vision accomplished. They are easy to communicate to your church and others, as follows:
We believe prayer precedes all gospel advancement. Therefore, we need thousands of people and churches praying for the fulfillment of this unified Great Commission vision before the end of 2025. Join this prayer team today and lead the members of your church to join as well.
This unified Great Commission vision of our churches is important to accomplish together before the end of the year 2025. Therefore, we deeply believe:
Whatever the cost, whatever the risk, this worldwide mission thrust must be our priority.
Now is the time to lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd