Tweets 6/30/21

Tweets 6/30/21

Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.

I don’t like starting this off negative but when this hit my feed it reminded me of the dancing nurses last summer while people were dying all around the world. People were, literally, dying by the hundreds on a daily basis, but nurses in some hospitals had time to make detailed choreographed videos. This video reminds me of that evil.

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This is a must watch

In case you missed it yesterday this is too important to let slip by unnoticed.

Yes – please watch – pay attention and share, share, share…

Is it live or is it Memorex? Older folks will know what I’m talking about.

Yes!!! We need a lot more of this. Please share.

The feel good Tweet of the day, maybe the year!!!

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