Must Watch – CRT And White Privilege Defined by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
“God bless this young lady, everything she has gone through has made her so strong. She’s a future leader.”
If you have never been abused, you don’t know. If you have never been subjected to a broken home filled with drugs, drug addicts and alcoholics, you don’t know. If you have never experienced pain in the depth of your soul to the point of your bones hurting and wanting nothing less than death, you don’t know. If you have never ran as fast as you could to run away from yourself, you don’t know.
If you don’t know please listen to this child – she knows – I have heard these screams before.
Wow! This is one of the most moving speeches I ever heard. Had to share this. God bless this young lady, everything she has gone through has made her so strong. She’s a future leader. Schools are indoctrinating our kids so bad it’s having a serious effect on their wellbeing.
— Tatiana Ibrahim (@tatianaibrahim5) June 30, 2021
Someone please explain to me how the black, and white, community are allowed to shout “white privilege” at anyone. Someone please explain to me how teaching a “theory” about hatred is acceptable. Someone please explain to me why the schools are filled with marxist, communist people indoctrinating our children into a system of slavery, hatred and guilt/shame instead of having teachers teaching them about reading writing, arithmetic and, can’t forget, science. You know, basic life skills that would include these 4 subjects along with, I don’t know, economics, civics and history.
Since when did we allow these buildings, where millions upon millions of children are sent for years, to now be nothing more than breeding grounds for gangs, criminals and communist to gather and steal our children.
Your child before Critical Race Theory.
Your child after Critical Race Theory.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 30, 2021