Greg Abbott Executes a Hilarious but Completely Necessary Troll Using Biden’s ‘Stimulus’ Money

Greg Abbott Executes a Hilarious but Completely Necessary Troll Using Biden’s ‘Stimulus’ Money By Bonchie for Red State

Is it possible for something to be a masterful troll but also be completely necessary at the same time? Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has given us an answer to that question.

With the Biden administration abdicating its duty to enforce border laws, causing a massive surge in illegal immigration, Texas is taking matters into its own hands. But it’s where Abbott is getting the funding that is going to turn heads.

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The money in Biden’s plan was purposely void of strings attached because the game was to shower blue states with money, allowing them to bail out their mismanaged budgets and perpetuate left-wing priorities. Abbott has turned that on its head, instead, using a significant portion of the money given to Texas to help build a border wall in his state.

Here’s more from The Dallas Morning News.

Congress didn’t intend for states to use the pandemic bailout for wall construction. Democrats find it maddening that Abbott found a workaround.

“We have a wall in my district and we still have a surge. What he ought to do is use $250 million to fix our electrical grid,” said Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-McAllen, adding that Congress gave states plenty of flexibility, but “it certainly wasn’t intended to build the wall.”

I’m sure it wasn’t intended for that when Pelosi and her cohorts drafted the bill, but this is a good lesson in unintended consequences. There was no reason to send all this money to the states, but now that it’s done, you can expect them to use it the way they see fit.

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