Tweets 6/29/21

Tweets 6/29/21

Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.

Let’s start with this thing called truth in media; truth in America…

You know during the “wild west” people didn’t really get shot all that much. Sure, if you watch movies or TV you would think people were going around shooting anything that moved. The reality is just the opposite – like Chicago and Maine. Chicago – strictest gun laws in the country, higher murder rate than Honduras, Central America. Maine, like Tennessee, has conceal carry laws, (Tennessee, beginning July 1, 2021 will no permit required, 2nd Amendment state) very few people murdered because a well armed society is a polite society.

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We would have a lot more truth in America with one simple fix…

The “jab” of any and all stripes seems to be a bad deal. Please pray a lot while considering having an experimental drug injected into your system. No one other than you bears any responsibility for any side effects, including death. The manufacturer, distributors, pharmacist, nurses, doctors and hospitals all have immunity from you and your side effects. They are immune from you while they make you the worlds largest drug experiment. Oh yeah, and since the drug is experimental your insurance is void and they will not pay anything. No thanks.

Highly recommend taking a few minutes and reading the entire thread presented by @JimmyScroggins – worth your time, especially, if you’re interested in the Southern Baptist Convention and how it relates (if your church is a member) to your church.

Let’s end on a sad, funny note…

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