Mass bird deaths are back in the news, but this time they’re not in flight and suddenly dropping out of the sky because of “sudden onset bird flu” (remember that one as an explanation for geese in Idaho falling from the sky?)  Then there was that strange incident in New Mexico of a few months ago, which is still unexplained. The difference this time is that there appear to be more than one species of bird involved, and the phenomenon is not localized, but rather, in several US states according to the following versions of the story (and thank you to all of you who spotted this story and sent it to me):

Birds dying by hundreds in at least 6 states across America

Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple US States?

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So let’s look at the second article. As it notes, the phenomenon is spread throughout several states, with birds exhibiting a variety of symptoms:

As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country.  Before they die, a lot of these birds are exhibiting very strange symptoms.  Experts are telling us that in many cases birds are developing “crusty or puffy eyes”, and often they appear to go completely blind.  In addition, quite a few of these dying birds lose their ability to stay balanced, and we are being told that some even seem to be having “seizures”.  If scientists understood what was causing this to happen, that would be one thing.  But at this point they have no idea why this is taking place, and that is quite alarming.

So far, confirmed incidents of this strange phenomenon have been documented in Washington D.C., Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana.

Could it be possible that we are dealing with a “mystery disease” that started in one state and that has now spread to other surrounding states?

Or is something else going on here?

We are being told that “blue jays, common grackles and European starlings” are the most common birds that are being affected.

What interests me, however, is that while the birds are being tested, but that nothing has been determined yet:

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