The Necessity of Secret Prayer Video by Pastor David Wilkerson
David Wilkerson Sermon – The Necessity of Secret Prayer was preached at Time Square Church and was part of the pulpit series from tapes sent out years ago. Brother David Wilkerson was an American Christian evangelist who has since gone to be with the Lord (May 19, 1931 – April 27, 2011). He became a high profile and world renowned preacher after he founded Teen Challenge, which was a ministry directed toward teenagers who were gang members and drug addicts on the streets of New York City. Teen Challenge has since grown into an large international ministry. Brother Wilkerson is also well known for writing the account of the foundation and beginnings of Teen Challenge in his book “The Cross and the Switchblade.” In later life, David Wilkerson founded Times Square Church in New York City.
David Wilkerson has given all credit to God for the success of his ministry and also gives specific credit to his personal private prayer and in-turn the leading of the Holy Spirit. This message gives glory to Jesus Christ who led Brother David to his knees for fellowship and intimacy with God the Father.