Cancer: The Forbidden Cures – The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before COVID-19

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures – The Original Big Pharma Playbook Long Before COVID-19 by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

We have uploaded a copy of the film Cancer: The Forbidden Cures, to our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

This film was produced years ago, but it still stands as one of the best documentaries explaining how the FDA and Big Pharma have gone out of their way to suppress effective therapies that have been proven to treat cancer, to protect their monopoly on the Cancer Drug industry.

Here is the 3 and half minute trailer:

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Since the roll out of the COVID-19 Plandemic at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 bioweapon shots have become the new cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry, and in order to get the FDA to issue emergency use authorizations to use the public as lab rats to complete their Phase 3 trials, they had to pull out a very familiar and often-used page from their playbook in the past: suppress natural and effective treatments so that consumers have only one source, creating a monopoly on a disease that only the FDA can approve “cures” to be sold to the public.

To understand their strategy, one only needs to review their monopoly on the cancer industry, and this documentary is an excellent source to understand it.

Here is a review on the documentary that we published back in 2013.

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