A Sobering Moment in the Midst of June’s Endless Flood of LGBTQ Pride by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown
It’s all but impossible to miss. LGBTQ pride is being pushed on us from every angle and on an endless array of websites.
The Rotten Tomatoes movie review site is celebrating the “200 Best LGBTQ+ Movies of All Time.” (Yes, the best 200. I can remember when the first gay kiss on TV caused a massive uproar.)
Amazon points to a constant stream of gay-themed programming along with gay-themed publications. As an Amazon website announced, “Amazon enters June bursting ‘with Pride.’”
Indeed, we are told, “Pride Month is all about celebrating love and equality, and today, glamazon, Amazon’s LGBTQIA+ affinity group, raised the new Progress Pride flag, at Amazon’s Seattle headquarters. The new flag includes pink, white, and blue to represent the trans community, and black and brown to represent people of color. The design celebrates the many intersections and facets of identity within the LGBTQIA+ community, and its raising is just the start of dozens of activities and events Amazon has planned for June.”
Not to be outdone, an ad running on the ESPN app (and, presumably, on the TV network) during a live sporting event not only features gay and lesbian couples but also a dancing, obese, bearded woman. (Is this a biological man who has transitioned to female, or the reverse? Either way, is this something to celebrate?)
As expected, there have been major, gay-related announcements, including the news that NFL player Carl Nassib became the first active player to announce his homosexuality. And then this, from our military: “The Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according a base spokesperson.”
Surely, this is why people enlist in the Air Force and train at Nellis, where Air Force pilots on the base’s Warfare Center “undergo the most demanding advanced air combat training in the country.” They enlist to see the Drag Queen shows!
Even while filling out a short response form for a new tech company, I could not avoid being confronted with LGBTQ+ activism. (I don’t think this was because of Pride month. It’s just symptomatic of the times.)
One of the survey questions was, “How would you describe your gender?”
At one point in the not too distant past, this was a no brainer, with two simple choices: Male or Female. But not today, when not even Male or Female are simple.
Instead, these were the choices offered (and I quote them verbatim): “Female (including transgender women); Male (including transgender men); Prefer to self-describe as ______ (non-binary, gender-fluid, agender, please specify); None of the above.”
So, not only must we be told that “female” includes men who identify as women and “male” includes women who identify as men (and who was this for, since those who identify as such will already fill out the form accordingly). But we must be given examples of the various ways we can self-describe in case we needed some hints. And then, if none of that works – which is quite mystifying, since you can fill in any self-description you want – just say, “None of the above.”
Is this not gender madness? Is this not a complete departure of biological reality?
And what of the news that “Laurel” Hubbard, a biological male weightlifter, will be competing against biological women in the Tokyo Olympics, representing New Zealand?
While Hubbard be getting a lot of attention in the days ahead, let’s be careful not to forget the name of New Zealand’s “Kuinini ‘Nini’ Manumua, the woman who was ultimately displaced by inclusion of Laurel Hubbard. She’s 21, and it would have been her first Olympics.”