New Documentary Details Government Crackdown On Canadian Christians, Likens To Communist China

New Documentary Details Government Crackdown On Canadian Christians, Likens To Communist China By  Jon Brown  for Daily Wire

“The underground church is not just in China anymore.”

The legal organization that has been advocating in court on behalf of jailed pastors and harassed churches in Canada released a documentary earlier this month detailing how the federal and provincial governments are increasingly resembling communist China.

“The Government War on Worship,” which was released by the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms and can be viewed below or on their website, begins by highlighting how Christians are brutally persecuted in China despite the guarantee of religious freedom in the Chinese Constitution.

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The film then pivots to draw parallels between China’s tactics and how churches in Canada have been treated since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged from the communist state.

“It’s exactly like communist China,” said Justice Centre president John Carpay in the video, who also spoke to The Daily Wire in April. Speaking of the case against Edmonton pastor James Coates, who was arrested in February and whose GraceLife Church was forced underground after police barricaded their building, Carpay said, “Pastor Coates and GraceLife Church have been quite public about the fact that they are continuing to meet and worship every Sunday, and they’re doing so in secret. And in rural Alberta, there are thousands and thousands of big barns and all kinds of private properties where church services can be held and are being held.”

“There’s no science to back this up,” Carpay said regarding the lingering lockdowns. “But the more clear that it becomes that there’s no science to back up these orders, the more repressive they become and the more aggressive the government becomes in enforcing these unscientific public health orders.”

Carpay went on to note that because his clients have legally challenged the constitutional validity of the public health orders themselves, provincial governments are being pushed to defend them by putting forward scientific evidence in court to justify them. As The Daily Wire has reported, however, judges are quite willing to toss such challenges, as happened during Coates’ court hearing earlier this month.

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